2021 Conservation Finance Virtual Boot Camp

The Conservation Finance Network, in partnership with the Yale Center for Business and Environment and Highstead, is pleased to host the Conservation Finance Virtual Boot Camp July 13 – July 15, 2021.
This Virtual Boot Camp will explore the latest trends and strategies in funding and financing being put to work for land and natural resource conservation, restoration, and stewardship. With an emphasis on hands-on tools and lessons from relevant case studies, we will explore innovative and overlooked opportunities.
Recordings of the webinars will be publicly available on our website at a later date.
Registration Fee: $60
This fee will help us continue to grow our programming. If the ticket price is cost-prohibitive for your attendance, please contact Helen Rogers.
Day 1 – Tuesday, July 13th
Session 1: The Evolution and Next Era of Conservation Funding & Financing
[2:00 - 3:00 pm ET ]
What exactly is conservation finance? Which approaches are well established, and what does emerging activity and innovation entail? This session will provide an overview of how conservation finance approaches have evolved, exploring current trends and a range of funding and financing strategies being put to work for land and resource conservation, restoration, and stewardship.
Moderator: Leigh Whelpton, The Conservation Finance Network
Presenters: Peter Stein, The Lyme Timber Company; Jackson Moller and Helen Rogers, The Conservation Finance Network
Session 2: Principles of Finance
[4:00 – 5:15 pm ET]
Ever wonder what goes through the mind of an investor or what to expect when using different types of capital? This session will walk through an overview of financing terms and concepts, including basic transaction structures, how different participants come together in conservation transactions, the time value of money, and key considerations affecting financial returns.
Moderator: Helen Rogers, The Conservation Finance Network
Presenter: David Hoffer, The Lyme Timber Company
Happy Hour Debrief
[5:30 - 6:30 pm ET]
Bring a beverage along with your frustrations and challenges on how your work is funded or financed.
Day 2 – Wednesday, July 14th
Session 3: Innovation Roundup
[2:00 – 3:15 pm ET]
The past year has been anything but ordinary. Within a time of change, conservation finance practitioners around the world have continued to push the boundaries of innovation, reaching new heights in partnership and protection. This panel will introduce several case examples of recent innovations across the field, spotlighting critical lessons learned and opportunities ahead.
Moderator: Jackson Moller, The Conservation Finance Network
Presenters: Margaret Bowman, Bowman Environmental Consulting; Tim Male, Environment Policy Innovation Center; Trevor Cutsinger, Finite Carbon; Eric Hallstein, The Nature Conservancy
Day 3 – Thursday, July 15th
Session 4: Best Practices in Project Development
[2:00 – 3:15 pm ET]
What do successful conservation projects have in common? What are the most common pitfalls in project development and management? A recent review of 25 projects funded with USDA Conservation Innovation Grants offers a practical blueprint for designing conservation projects, conducting diligence investments, and mitigating risks more effectively. This session will provide an overview of The Arch Framework, developed by the Conservation Finance Network and Gordian Knot Strategies, which can be used to assess opportunities and mitigate project risks.
Moderator: Leigh Whelpton, The Conservation Finance Network
Presenters: April Mendez, Greenprint Partners; Sean Penrith, Gordian Knot Strategies; Chris Wilson, Audubon