Join Us for the 2016 Conservation Finance Network Boot Camp

We are pleased to announce that the Conservation Finance Network’s 2016 Boot Camp training course is being held in partnership with the Nicholas School of the Environment at Duke University from June 6 to 10.

Now in its 10th year, this intensive week-long course is geared to help professionals use innovative and effective financing strategies for land resource conservation, restoration, and stewardship.
Past attendees have included United States and international conservationists, foundation leaders, land-trust board members, executive directors, private investors, business executives, researchers, and graduate students.
The course will offer in-depth information on new or underutilized sources of money, such as public funding, private-investment capital, bridge financing, loans, gifts, grants, income from the land, and monetized ecosystem services.
Course sessions will feature interactive presentations from national conservation finance experts along with supplementary exercises guided by knowledgeable core faculty. The emphasis of the course is on hands-on tools and lessons from relevant case studies.
Attendees will have opportunities to consult with peers and experts as they discuss projects and problems from their work.
International participants should also note that the course content is based in the United States legal code and that we primarily draw upon domestic case studies and examples.
Important information:
- Course registration is offered on a first-come-first-served basis and attendance will be capped at 30.
- Tuition for the week-long program is $2000, inclusive of meals and on-site transportation.
- For more detailed course information, please email us via our contact form
. - To apply, please fill and submit an electronic application form. You will also be asked to submit a copy of your resume before completing the application form.